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Special Guest: Sacramento Community Land Trust

Screenshot 2024-02-14 182348

Rescheduled: Monday, March 18 at 5:30pm via Zoom

We are proud to invite a local Sacramento organization to come present their idea to make housing more affordable. They are the Sacramento Community Land Trust and will be presenting over Zoom.

The Executive Director of the organization will give a short presentation about the Land Trust and how it might partner with SHRA public housing or other locations to create homes that are permanently affordable to give people a chance to own their own homes.

A community land trust (CLT) is a nonprofit organization stewarding land for the permanent benefit of low income communities. Community land trusts are not a new idea and you may be more familiar with them than you think. The City of Irvine, for example, is a Community Land Trust. There are, however, many smaller examples throughout the United States. You can view an extensive list here.

The land is community-controlled with its use directed by residents and neighbors. Possible uses include: affordable homes for purchase, price-stable rental and cooperative housing, community-benefitting commercial space, childcare and eldercare, urban agriculture, public greenspace and more.

However, the heart of their work is the creation of homes that remain permanently affordable, providing successful homeownership opportunities for generations of lower income families.

Please send an email to for the Zoom link.