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July 4 is Roundabout the corner


Greetings all! It is unbelievably hot in Sacramento but the Fourth of July always gets kids outside. And just across Riverside is a decades-long tradition! It's the Govan parade!

Our friends at LPCA are putting the event on and, while it's not in Upper Land Park, it's most definitely close enough to crash! This year, Upper Land Park Neighbors and Slow Down Sacramento are sponsoring the barricades and parade route. And it's going to be EXTRA special this year!

We will have two routes, a bigger one for older kids who want to go fast and do older kid stuff. But we will also have a route for younger children (and tired parents) that will be a very realistic roundabout. The Kid-a-Bout will be located WITHIN the intersection of Robertson and Govan.

Why is this so special? Well, the City of Sacramento Department of Public Works and City Council are looking into a project to bring mini-roundabouts to Sacramento. They look simple but are wonders of engineering and safety. And Upper Land Park has a great candidate intersection at Swanston and Riverside, just a couple blocks away! With community support, we can make things safer for all the kids at Crocker-Riverside!

Some come, take some laps, and have fun before it gets too hot. And, please, learn more about these mini roundabouts here! We'd love your support!

That's all! Happy 4th!

Govan Parade

July 4, 9-11am

On Govan Way, between Perkins Way and Swanston Dr.